ESB adults ongoing training

Access training

The lifelong training of employees has become a major issue for companies. Whether the goal is to develop skills or to enable employees to evolve in their jobs, ESB offers various collaborative opportunities.

Work-study training

Some of our degree programmes in wood are organised as work-study schemes and are open to employees for the purpose of retraining or professional development.

Employees can thus complete their training and obtain a degree by alternating between periods in their company and learning periods at ESB or in a partner institution.

Among which :

Our engineering and BTS programmes are also open to employees, under certain conditions. Training projects have to be validated with ESB’s company relations department.

As for the Specialised Master’s, it is organised to be able to train active employees: six months of training at ESB followed by a six-month traineeship in the employee’s company.

ESB’s company relations department examines each request and provides a tailored response.

Ongoing training

The Bois HD Engineering Center offers a wide range of continuing training to help professionnals needs.

Its teams are capable of addressing a wide variety of topics, as part of inter- or intra-company modules: construction, structural calculation, furnishing, finishing, production systems, international trade, composite wood materials, machining, recycling, eco-design, etc.

Validation of Prior Experience (VAE)

All of the degrees listed in the National Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP) can be obtained through the Validation of Prior Experience (VAE).

This procedure enables people with professional and/or personal experience to have it validated through the complete or partial awarding of a degree.

The VAE point of contact may differ depending on degree:

Formulaire téléchargement brochure DRB

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure Ingénieur

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure Bachelor

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure SCBH

(*) Champs obligatoires