Project gallery
Learning through action is a tried-and-tested method! ESB’s teaching practices revolve around project-based experimentation, to which it dedicates specific sessions.
ESB has structured its training programmes so that they incorporate hands-on exercises at every stage. In this way, students have the opportunity to tackle actual challenges encountered in the professional world.
This ‘maker’ spirit brings students into contact with field realities at the earliest possible time and enables them to alternate between theory and practice.
Design and production of a Tv tray furniture (2019) Ordinambules (Fleur Briard, Julie Prunet, Camille Rivillon), the winning proposals from the Mini Maousse competition (2019) Mobilab (Victor Bois), the winning proposals from the Mini Maousse competition (2019) Design and production of a geodesic dome greenhouse (2019). Development and production of the U.folia mobile stage (2018). Design and construction of a 120 m2 innovation stand for the Carrefour International du Bois timber show (2018). Construction of Wood Stock, a modular wooden home (2018). Construction of a structure for Le Voyage à Nantes (2015). Co-construction, with the Centrale Nantes and the EDNA design school, of Philéas, an energy self-sufficient housing project, for the international Solar Decathlon competition (2014). The winning proposals from the Mini Maousse competition on the theme of street food (“Ma cantine en ville”) were implemented in ESB’s workshops. Production of the “Habiter 2050” exhibition at Centre Pompidou (2009). Production of a mobile stage for Nantes European Green Capital (2013). The winners of the Mini Maousse competition on the theme of pocket-size construction (“Construire XXS”) carried out their projects at ESB (2010). Construction of the Tadashi Kawamata Observatory for the Estuaire art project (2007).