Research projects

The research activity developed by ESB aims to explore the potential of wood and bioresource materials, to find new applications and develop uses. Find in this section the research projects carried out by the team.

Projet EcoReFibre

EcoReFibre : a consortium for the recycling of fibreboard

The European EcoReFibre consortium aims to develop innovative technological demonstrators for environmentally sound and commercially viable recycling of fibreboard. Recycling […]

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Lunettes en bois et nouveaux materiaux composites biosources

Copeau, new wood-based composites for eyeglass frames

Copeau, new wood-based composites for eyeglass frames The COPEAU project, which stands for Composites and Adjustable Wooden Polymers, is a […]

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SysExpert, a decision support tool for forest resource management

This research project aims to develop a decision support tool for forest-wood policy that can be applied to a territory […]

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