• Durée DURÉE 3 ans
  • Acces ACCÈS Bac +2
  • Diplome DIPLÔME Bac +5
  • Rentree RENTRÉE Septembre
  • Lieu LIEU Nantes

Upon graduation, graduates work in many sectors of activity: construction, housing products, capital goods, the environment, etc. There are many challenges for engineers who wish to imagine, design and deploy innovative solutions that meet the needs of our society in a sustainable manner.

The figures presented below are taken from the insertion survey carried out in collaboration with the Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE) in 2024 and concern graduates in September 2023.

Situation after graduation

  • First job found before the end of the school year : 60.7%
  • First job found less than 2 months after the end of school year : 89.3%
  • Jobs based abroad : 9.1%
  • Current jobs found in the company hosting the apprenticeship contract (apprentice engineers only) : 53%
  • Current jobs resulting from end-of-study internships (face-to-face engineers only): 31.3%
  • Percentage of women graduates: 16.5%
  • Median gross annual salary including bonuses and benefits in France: €35,270

Positions held

Distribution of jobs held by graduate engineers by sector of activity.

Discover the portraits of our young engineering graduates

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