• Durée Durée 1 an
  • Acces Accès Bac+4/5
  • Diplome Diplôme Bac+6
  • Rentree Rentrée septembre

Pre-requisites to apply

  • Diploma in engineering accredited by the Commission des Titres d’Ingénieur (CTI list).
  • Diploma from a management school accredited to deliver the national grade of Master (list CEFDG).
  • Post-graduate diploma accredited by the university authorities (DEA, DESS, Master’s degree, etc.) or a professional diploma at bac+5 level.
  • M1 diploma or equivalent, for students with at least three years of professional experience.
  • Title registered in the RNCP level 7 (former level I nomenclature).
  • Foreign diploma equivalent to the French diplomas required above.
  • English prerequisite: proven level B2
  • Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


  • Eligibility (deadline 20 July): submission of an application file. Requests for application files should be made to the ESTP at the following email address informationsfc.ms@estp-paris.eu
  • Admission: eligible candidates are interviewed in person or by distance learning.


The cost of the training for the start of the 2023 school year is €13,500.

Formulaire téléchargement brochure DRB

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure Ingénieur

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure Bachelor

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure SCBH

(*) Champs obligatoires