Bois H2, prove the antimicrobial activity of wood
This research project examines the antimicrobial activity of timber and its application in hospital constructions and hygiene.
Timber is an important material for construction and interior fit-outs. Studies have recently shown how timber environments can be beneficial to occupants’ health and well-being.
However, very few hospitals use timber due to its porous surface, which is considered to be unsuitable for environments that are prone to microbial infections.
This research project examines the interactions between timber and bacteria. The aim is to characterise the chemical effects (extractive) and physical effects (structural) that timber can have on pathogens while demonstrating wood’s antimicrobial activity.
A multidisciplinary team of scientists are working on this project. The consortium (ESB, University of Nantes, Angers University Hospital, Oniris, Your research) features approximately 15 researchers, a PhD student and several master’s students.
2017 – 2020
Associate professors: Christophe Belloncle and Mark Irle / PhD student: Muhammad Tanveer Munir.
Financement : Région des Pays de la Loire et CODIFAB
Partners: Université de Nantes, CHU d’Angers, Oniris Nantes-Atlantique et YouR ResearcH Bio-Scientific.