esb student

The team


Arnaud Godevin, Director

Delphine Féri, Administrative and Finance Director

Aude Fredericque, Companies Division Director

Véronique Gaudin, Management Assistant

Pascal Vinot, Academic Dean

Education and research

Student Life and Studies Department (SEVE)

Nathalie Chevalier-Eichholtzer, SEVE manager

Aurélie Beaulieu-Renaud, SEVE assistant in charge of ERP and exams

Alexandra Chataigner, SEVE and international relations assistant

Stéphanie Howling, SEVE assistant and teaching assistant

Katia Leroy, SEVE assistant and company relations assistant

Stéphane Goualard, Receptionist

Anne Graziotin, Receptionist


Malvina Vieux, Head of e-learning and ICT in education

Research and education

Elodie Astruc, Technical training manager

Philippe Blanchard, Associate Professor in design & innovation

Clément Boudaud, Associate Professor in wood construction

Sana Baklouti, Associate Professor in production engineering

Julie Brunellière, English teacher and coordinator of foreign languages

Cécile Cam, Teacher and head of CSR policy

Jean-François Foucault, Educational director of the SCBH BTS

Mark Irle, Research Director

Francesca Lanata, Associate Professor in construction and buildings

Erwan Le Gall-Marias, Teacher, wood development and implementation BTS

Ewan Le Moal, Makers Playlab manager

Anne-Laure Mariotte, Teacher international trade

Isabelle Martinez, Teacher, quality and continuous improvement

Tanguy Massart, Teacher in charge of human and social sciences

Cyrille Mengin, Teacher, DRB BTS

Franck Michaud, Associate Professor in composites materials

Jérôme Moreau, Associate Professor in forestry and primary processing

Mao Nguyen, Associate Professor in Thermal building

Support services

Company relations

Eric Abadie, Librarian

Sophie Bellec, Carrer and employment manager

Marie Deschamps-Legrand, Training project manager

François Graff, Head of company relations

International relations

Antoine Lebeau, Head of international relations and sponsorship


Monika Plöckl, Communication and web marketing manager

Human resources

Véronique Gaudin, Human resources assistant


Pierre Burgaud, Financial controller

Tony Loré, Head accountant

Géraldine Tilleul, Payroll manager

Rodrigue Tsadi, Accounting assistant

Building and workshop

Benoit Chevrot, Building and security manager

Sébastien Rincé, Workshop manager


Kévin Cotard, System and network administrator

Arnaud Pécaud, Head of information systems

Bois HD engineering centre

Céline Chauveau, Project manager

Fabien Clément, R&D engineer

Sébastian Fuentes, Design and structures engineer

Benjamin Grossi, Laboratory technician

Formulaire téléchargement brochure DRB

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure Ingénieur

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure Bachelor

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure SCBH

(*) Champs obligatoires