MERITE, educational kits to raise awareness of wood science
The MERITE project, which brings together 8 higher education institutions, aims to develop scientific and technological knowledge in primary and secondary schools. Within this framework, the ESB has developed pedagogical tools specific to wood sciences.
Room for experimentation and investigation
MERITE is the result of a 5-year collaboration (2015-2020) between 8 Grandes Ecoles and Universities of the Grand Ouest region and the Rectorat de l’Académie de Nantes, united by a common ambition: to participate in the promotion of Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture among teachers and students from CM1 to college.
The project, initiated and coordinated by IMT Atlantique, will enable the creation of turnkey educational kits.
The 12 themes cover fields as varied as food, the environment, energy, robotics, digital technology, acoustics, materials and chemistry.
A kit on wood science
It is within this framework that the ESB has worked on the creation of educational tools specific to wood sciences.
Entitled “Wood: a living material”, the educational kit designed by Gaël Simon, the teacher in charge of this project, aims to help students discover, through observations and experiments, some of the main characteristics and properties of wood (density, hardness, water behaviour, mechanical resistance).
2015 – 2020
Associate professors: Gael Simon
Project coordinated by l’IMT Atlantique. Funding: programme Investissements d’Avenir de l’État, le fonds européen de développement régional, la Région Pays-de-la-Loire et le groupe Assystem.hoto