SysExpert, a decision support tool for forest resource management

This research project aims to develop a decision support tool for forest-wood policy that can be applied to a territory and that meets its social, economic and ecological needs.

Context: managing the forest-wood resource on a territorial scale

If wood is a biosourced material par excellence, it is advisable to fully integrate the activities of valorization of this resource in a circular economy logic.

However, at the level of a territory, it is sometimes difficult for decision-makers to define the orientations of forest management and the activities of valorization of this resource in this logic.

The factors to be taken into account are numerous (forestry potential, climate, environmental protection, social expectations, local employment, development of the territory…). They can sometimes seem opposed (protection of the forest environment, need to build with materials from renewable resources) and evolve rapidly over time, out of step with the growth time of trees.

The SysExpert research project: creating a decision-making tool

The overall goal of this research project is to develop a decision support tool to facilitate strategies and action plans for territorial policies to develop local resources.

This tool should help decision-makers to objectify the decision-making process in a multi-factor approach and at the scale of a territory.

The ESB’s expertise: forest-wood ecosystem and multi-criteria analysis

To carry out this project, the LIMBHA laboratory research team relies on two major skills:

  • its recognized expertise in the fields of wood science and technology as well as in the forest and industrial ecosystem
  • its skills in multi-criteria analysis developed in previous research projects on wood recycling for example.

Sysexpert: a first phase of diagnosis and mobilization of stakeholders

Jocelyn Clénet, a research engineer, is leading the first phase of the project with the objective of establishing a diagnosis and recommendations: inventory of existing and missing knowledge, analysis and mobilization of stakeholders, identification of needs and criteria to consider.


2021-2022 for the project first step

Research Engineer : Jocelyn Clénet / Associate profesors : Jérôme Moreau et Franck Michaud

Funding: ADEME Pays de la Loire

Published on 27-May-2021

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