
Find on this page all the news of the ESB: research projects, students’ works, international news… A way to stay in touch with the major events of our Graduate School.

A look back at 20 years of the Innovawood project  with Mark Irle

Innovawood’s mission is to encourage innovation and bring commercial benefits to the entire value chain, from forestry to furniture to […]

Projet EcoReFibre

The EcoReFibre project is already celebrating its first year! 

You probably know MDF, it is the most produced type of fiberboard in the world. With an exponential growth in […]

etudiants ESB

Taxe d’apprentissage 2023 : je verse mes 13% à l’ESB

En 2023, le mode de collecte et d’attribution de la taxe d’apprentissage ainsi que et le calendrier évoluent. On vous […]


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