A look back at 20 years of the Innovawood project  with Mark Irle

Innovawood’s mission is to encourage innovation and bring commercial benefits to the entire value chain, from forestry to furniture to construction, in order to contribute more effectively to the development of the sector.   

ESB, a member of the Innovawood European network since its creation in 2003  

In 2003, the four main research and teaching networks in the forestry, timber and furniture sectors officially merged to create the European InnovaWood network.  

This new network brings together all the stakeholders in these sectors to share knowledge and support innovation more effectively.  

ESB was one of the first new members to join Innovawood in 2003, and is represented by Mark Irle.  

« Innovawood has enabled ESB to network with a number of forestry and wood industry institutes, resulting in several European-funded research projects (WoodSens, CaReWood, FASTFOREST, FLEXIBI, EcoReFibre). »

— Mark Irle, Director of Research

Mark Irle, a committed player in the European project

In 2007, Mark Irle, Director of Research at the ESB, was elected to the Innovawood Board of Directors. In 2010, when the head office was transferred to Brussels in Belgium, Mark was one of the founding members of the new Innovawood. He was Vice-Chairman from 2013 to 2017, and then Chairman from 2017 to 2021.  

Mark’s presidency was marked by the feminisation and rejuvenation of the organisation.  

At the AGM held in mid-June, Mark stepped down from his role as Executive Board member, leaving the board of directors of a growing association and expressing his confidence in the team in place to pursue Innovawood’s mission.  

« It is very satisfying to see Innovawood continuing to grow in size and reputation as demonstrated by the fact that it is a acknowledged member of the New European Bauhaus initiative, which was initiated by President Ursula von der Leyen. I am very proud of this achievment. »

— Mark Irle, Director of Research

Published on 23-Aug-2023

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