Mathieu, life cycle assessment and eco-design engineer at EVEA
After an engineering degree and a specialised master’s degree, Mathieu Galliou joined the EVEA agency as a life cycle analysis and eco-design engineer. His missions? He advises and supports companies in reducing their environmental impact.
What are your tasks as a life cycle assessment and eco-design engineer?
I am currently working as a life cycle assessment and eco-design engineer at EVEA.
EVEA’s mission is to help companies assess their environmental impact throughout the product or service chain.
That is, from the extraction of the materials through the use phase to the end of life of the product.
I am currently studying the environmental impact in 2030 of a fleet of electric vehicles in a European capital.
I also provide support for the eco-design part of a sailboat where the objective is to reduce the environmental impact at all stages of the life cycle.
And finally, from time to time, I do training. I accompany companies or students in the use of specific software or in the understanding of the challenges of eco-design and life cycle analysis.
What is your training path to become an eco-design engineer?
I followed the ESB engineering course with a third year specialisation in construction.
After working for a year in construction management in several companies, I joined the ESB’s Specialised Masters in Biosourced Composites, Eco Design and Innovation.
Some students are afraid to enter an engineering school specialising in a single material, which is wood.
I see it more as a niche sector that will be needed in the future, whether for bio-sourced composites or for wood.
Companies need engineers who master the science and technology of these materials, who understand the issues at stake because they have a positive environmental impact.