quatre etudiants sortent de cours

Study semester “International timber trade programme”

The core objective is to acquire professional skills in the international trade of wood and International Business development.

Students will acquire a good knowledge in terms of wood, worldwide exchanges and international and domestic regulation to comply with.

Topics such as Business Development, Business English and Financial Analysis will be also developed.

This semester is taught entirely in English. It is offered from September to February every year and successful completion provides 30 ECTS.

FFL courses (French as a foreign language) are also available to students.

Teaching modules

Wood and international exchange (8 ECTS)

  • Species recognition
  • Wood classification
  • Certification and traceability
  • Wood product marketing
  • Worldwide wood exchanges

International trade (6 ECTS)

  • International trade techniques
  • International negotiations
  • Intercultural management
  • International marketing
  • Purchasing

Business Unit (6 ECTS)

  • Business development
  • Business English
  • Financial analysis

Projects (4 ECTS)

  • Export diagnotics
  • Purchase diagnostics
  • Market study

Commerce and trade (4 ECTS)

  • Business strategy
  • Business strategy (distribution & sales management)
  • Commercial laws

Professional experiences (2 ECTS)

  • Business trip and visits
  • Business simulation week
  • Internship preparation


Applicants are required to:

  • Provide evidence of having completed an undergraduate degree in wood sciences, forestry or materials science
  • Have a certificate demonstrating their proficiency in English (at least level B1)

To apply:

  • Applicants studying at an ESB partner institute: the application is sent by the partner institute.
  • All other applicants: online applications via the ESB application platform before 30 May (select the programme: “Application for Semester study: International Timber Trade Programme”)


Fees are applicable only for non exchange students (no agreement with a partner institution).

One semester study is charged €3,475. Tuition fees includes courses and all additional welcome and support form international service.

Transport and daily expenses are additional (average cost in Nantes about 700€ a month).

Formulaire téléchargement brochure DRB

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure Ingénieur

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure Bachelor

(*) Champs obligatoires

Formulaire téléchargement brochure SCBH

(*) Champs obligatoires